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Buy 1, Get 1 30% Off A Second Magical Mystery Bead Box Subscription
offer ends 11/07 @12 P.M. EST
The holidays are a great time to give gifts and share experiences. At Jesse James Beads we believe that spreading creativity and inspiration is one of the best gifts you can give. Sharing designs, ideas, and heart are what our exclusive Magical Mystery Bead Boxes are all about! Every month we custom design bead, tassels, strands & more around a specific theme made to invoke the creative spirit in all of us. 
During this very difficult year we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to share the joy of a Magical Mystery Bead Box with friends and loved ones. For a limited time those that sign up or have a current MMBB subscription can get a second subscription 30% Off! Check out our most recent unboxing video to get an idea of what to expect in a MMBB.
How To Get This Deal (If your a new subscriber):
1. Choose Your Subscription
2. Checkout with your box
3. Once your box is purchased, you will see an email containing your code to redeem your 30% off for a friend.
4. Choose a subscription for your friend
5. Redeem your coupon at checkout!
How To Get This Deal (If your a current subscriber):
1. Check your email for the Exclusive Code
2. Choose a subscription for your friend
3. Redeem your coupon at checkout!


"I Love all the items sent to me in the magical mystery bead boxes.  I have a couple of people come over every week and we follow Sara with her jewelry making and we try to make what she makes, we have lots of fun and end up with new ideas and fun jewelry. We all love your beads and patterns". 

-Sharon B. about Magical Mystery Bead Box - 12 Month 


"The Three Month Mystery Box is an excellent value.  It is great fun to see what is included each month".

-Betty S. about Magical Mystery Bead Box - 3 Month Subscription​

"Just started receiving the MMBs. Am star struck. Haven’t decided which to use first, or what to make first. So many choices". 

-Susan B. about Magical Mystery Bead Box - 3 Month Subscription

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