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S-Lon Bead Cord in Black Spool
S-Lon Bead Cord in Cream Spool
S-Lon Bead Cord in Tropical
S-Lon Bead Cord in Blue
S-Lon Bead Cord in Evergreen
S-Lon Bead Cord in Black & White
S-Lon Bead Cord in Neutral Colors
Wrapped Cord in Milk Snake
Rhinestone Gem Cord in Snakebite
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Salty Sailor Cord & Clasps Set

Salty Sailor Cord & Clasps Set

Sale price¥400Regular price ¥500
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Cozy Cottage Cord with Clasp Set

Cozy Cottage Cord with Clasp Set

Sale price¥600Regular price ¥700

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