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DIY beaded Easter craft idea with Jesse James BeadsHippity, hoppity, Easter is on it's way and we're creating a fun beaded Easter craft with some festive lights, Jesse James Beads and a little wire! This Easter craft idea is jazzed up to the max. Hello there, dear Beaders---Candie Cooper here with an extra easy peasy beaded Easter craft idea using amazing and colorful Jesse James Beads mixes! Did you craft with your mom or grandma, growing up?  I sure did and LOVED it!  This is an especially fun Easter craft that children would enjoy helping you with.  Fill up a bowl with beads and string it together! Beaded Easter Craft with lights, Easter eggs and fun beads from Jesse James BeadsThis beaded Easter craft is also fairly simple so you can whip it up in an evening in front of the TV.  The base is made from a short strand of battery operated lights.  You can find decorative Easter lights like these almost anywhere.  We especially love the ones at Target for $3 on the dollar rack!Easter egg and beaded garland idea - Create a beaded Easter craft with Jesse James BeadsTo make your own, string 12-15 inches of Jesse James Beads onto 20 gauge wire, or 22 gauge wire.  22 gauge is going to be easier to work with but 20 will keep the garland nice and rigid so it holds it's shape. Also, I should say, it's worth testing your lights before wrapping to make sure they work ok.  There's nothing more depressing than spending time crafting up pretty things and then have a fail at the end that was completely out of your control. Leave the beads on the spool of wire as you work.  Anchor the wire at the beginning of the strand with a few wraps. Slide a bead into place and make a wrap or two.  Repeat. This beaded Easter craft whips up in no timeWire wrapped beaded garland for Easter If you want to make the beads pop out from the light strand, pull out the bead leaving an inch of wire coming from the light strand then turn the bead so the wires twist together, then wrap the wire around the light strand to anchor it.  Slide another bead into place and continue wrapping, twisting, and so on. There really is no rhyme or reason, just have fun!Jesse James Beads beaded Easter craft ideaThe thing we love about this project is it looks cute in the daytime, perfect for decorating your Easter dinner table and magical at night with the glistening JJBs against lights. Get the materials links for this colorful and bright beaded Easter craft at the end of this post!Easter table center piece idea from Jesse James Beads Materials List -- Craft It Sunny Side Up: Beaded Easter Craft Idea 20 Gauge Wire OR 22 Gauge Wire JJB Petite Strand #44 JJB Inspiration Strand - High Def #1 JJB Inspiration Strand - High Def #2 JJB Design Elements Bead Mix - Maui Wowie Bright Egg Lights from Shop.com OR -- Get a Full Kit (photo below): Bead Bright Stringing Kit Want to make this project in PASTEL? We also have three new Pantone Pastel Kits (photos below) and pastel egg lights: Pantone Pastel Kit - Skinnies Pantone Pastel Kit - Fatties Pantone Colors of the Year Kit - Rose Quartz & Serenity Pastel Egg Lights from Shop.com [caption id="attachment_1615" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Bead Bright Kit Bead Bright Kit[/caption]   Beaded Easter craft idea with lights and rainbow eggs   How to Make a Beaded Easter Craft - Beaded garland for holiday decorating from Jesse James Beads

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