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Ready to flex your design skills like a beading boss? Now's your chance! Enter the Spring 2018 Pantone Design Contest by April 13th for an opportunity to score a major JJB shopping spree and recognition from beaders around the world.

There will be three winners:

  • Grand Prize for Best Overall Design: $100 JJB shopping spree!
  • Best Use of Pantone Color Combination: $25 JJB shopping spree
  • Best Use of Monochromatic Pantone Color: $25 JJB shopping spree

Check out this season's 12 trendy colors, then shop the collection of 60 products. You'll have so many design options, you won't know which to enter!

Plus, check out some of our tutorials featuring the Pantone Collection! JJB designer Nealay Patel always hooks us up with great inspiration (and there's more to come!):

Lime Punch Bracelet

The Pantone Spring 2018 Collection is here, and if you've been wondering how to use these colorful new beads, look no further! Nealay Patel has a beautiful 15-minute tutorial just for you.

Little Boy Blue Bracelet

Cuff it out! Wire wrapping and a cuff blank make this sky blue project a breeze.


Ice Queen Earrings

Brace yourself for the last of the winter storms with some stunning earrings. Little Boy Blue beads and SoftFlex wire come together to create a quick and easy project for the great indoors.


Want even more inspiration? See some of our past Grand Prize winners!

Clockwise from left: Goddess Design Contest, by Colleen Lentini; Make it Merry Contest, by Lucinette Alvarado; Afrika Afrika Design Contest, by Colleen Lentini


You definitely won't want to miss this contest. Check out the Facebook event page for rules and entries. We're so excited to see what stunning designs you'll cook up!

All Heart,

Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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