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March is coming in like a lion! Get set for more winter with these simple-yet-intricate earrings. Using SoftFlex wire and pieces from the Little Boy Blue Inspiration Mix, JJB designer Nealay Patel creates wonderful, whimsical ear candy fit for an ice queen. Learn how to attach charms to ear wires and create various sized loops with color coordinated SoftFlex wire.

What You'll Need


Seed Bead Revolution (Recommended)


Little Boy Blue Inspiration Bead Mix

I guess that's why they call it the blues! Focal pieces include a gold patina dragonfly charm, a diamond-pattern ceramic bead, JJB signature artisan beads and caged pearls. 

Tanzanite SoftFlex Wire

Flexible and versatile, SoftFlex wire is a favorite of beaders everywhere! This pale blue will add the perfect pop of color to your designs!

Xuron 494 Four In One Crimping Pliers

These bead crimping pliers can precisely crimp & fold 1mm, 2mm, and 3mm crimp tubes and includes a chain nose plier for handling delicate beads. This tool is a favorite of jewelry designer Nealay Patel. 


Thanks for beading along with us! Share your design on Facebook, Instagram, and in our inbox. Keep your eyes peeled for more tutorials from Nealay Patel & JJB.

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