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Ideas for selling your jewelry creationsJesse James Beads has so many wonderful customers that have their own jewelry business on the side or full time.  They are selling their handmade jewelry pieces at the office, online, and at festivals.  The Business of Beading classes have been really popular at Bead Fest so Sarah and I thought it would be fun to do some blogs on the subject. Candie Cooper here and I've been making my jewelry and selling my jewelry since I was in 8th grade. That's a long time, let me tell ya!  Haha. But, it just sort of happened that way.  Thanks to my parents for always supporting my crazy ideas and letting me "do my thing."   Have you been thinking that it might be time to take your hobby to the next level?  Maybe part time or even full time!  This article includes a list of easy yes and no questions that might help you decide it's time to take that leap and start your own jewelry business. Is quitting your day job to start your own "thing" all you think about? I've heard it a thousand times-- I just couldn't focus at work, all I could think about was _______, I just want to make and sell X.  If you find yourself constantly thinking about how you could have your own business selling handmade items, you should really investigate how you could do that (or at least a little here and there). Are you organized? It sounds simple, but I find the more organized I am, the faster I can make my pieces.  Time really is money.  Having your supplies organized is key when it comes to being efficient. Do you have someone to help you with the finance end of things? Ugggghhhh.  My least favorite part of being self-employed.  So many of us started our business doing the fun part....and then along came the bookwork part.  Not your thing either?  Do yourself a fave and find someone up front that can help you with this. Are you spending the majority of your evening taking care of your part-time hobby business? Eating popcorn for dinner so you can fill orders and keep up with demand?  It might be time to quit your day job. Is this product already being made? It's not the end of the world if it is--make yours unique and different whether it's from packaging and branding to exceptional customer service, you want to stand out.Art-Fair-Tent-Ideas-4 Do you know where you will sell your products? Will you sell online?  At artist markets and fairs?  I got my start selling to my friends and then during college started with farmers markets and moved up to art fairs after. Have you made a list of PROS and CONS? Seems basic, right?  The list will help you really access your current situation with what the future big picture would look like.  Things like health insurance, daily commute, etc...can go on the list. Do you have a plan to market said products? Facebook, ads on websites, Pinterest, Instagram, locally...find those holes for your products and fill it! I hope these questions have helped you access your current situation to determine if you're ready to take that leap of faith and be your own boss.  Already doing it?  We'd love to hear your story in the comments or on one of the JJB social media outlets. Here are two ideas using Jesse James Beads that we've heard of people selling and having great jewelry business success!Fast to make necklace by Candie Cooper with Jesse James Beads for your jewelry businessSee how to make the wrap and roll necklace here.Easy DIY earrings with Jesse James Beads for your jewelry business

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