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DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads16Beaded lanyards. All the cool kids are wearing them! Hey you guys, Candie Cooper here with some exciting new DIY beaded lanyard kits to tell you about from JJB!  One of the most requested pieces of jewelry I get asked to make is lanyards for teachers, nurses, and more...  And the more trade shows I visit, the more I want a custom lanyard to wear.  It's nice when you can make custom accessories like this to blend in with your outfit and these diy lanyard kits do just that.DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads6 The cool thing about these DIY beaded lanyards is that after you make your lanyard, you will have beads left over to make matching earrings, a bracelet and more.  Yippeeeee!DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads5I hand picked the kit colorways myself so you have options for browns, black and white, blue jeans and a pop of mauve/burgundy for fun.  DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads15It's useful to have a bead board when designing your beaded lanyard.  I started with the back end chain and lined up beads for the side. A note from today's peanut gallery (aka Sarah James): "Hey guys! We are gifting a free bead board with your $35 order. Enter the code BEADBOARD at checkout. $1 deducted will be deducted from you order and a free bead board included with your shipment! Designing fun for everyone, yay!" DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads14These pieces get crimped to each end of 15" of chain.  Save 5" of chain for the bottom section.  By the way, you can cut this chain with wire cutters very easily.DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads10Now, pick a focal bead to wire wrap the lanyard hook to the chain like this (p.s. I'm using 20g. wire.  18g. would also work).DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads13You have to use a wire wrapped link so it's nice and secure.  Simple loops and you're sure to lose that precious badge!DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads12Now crimp the bottom strung sections to the lanyard piece.  You can literally make this in minutes!DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads11DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads9Each kit has the badge clip included! DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads7Candie Cooper reporting for duty!DIY Lanyard Kits from Jesse James Beads8 We'd love to see you wearing your beaded lanyard so send us pictures when they're finished! Supplies and such: Beaded Lanyard Kits from JJB: -Iced Coffee Brown (shown in this project) -Black Ice -Grecian Sunset -Burgundy Rose -Bead Board -20g. wire

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