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The beads are packed, displays ready to rock....Sarah James and Candie Cooper are on the road again to the Tucson bead show! This year we have an exceptional spot at the To Bead True Blue Show at the Double Tree Reid Park. Come see us in the Grand Ballroom at booth #G116! Tucson Gem and Mineral Show 2016 - Come See Sarah James and Candie Cooper at the To Bead True Blue Show at the Double Tree Reid Park The Tucson bead show events are so wonderful. The entire city of Tucson is bustling with inspiring people; jewelry makers, lapidary artists, crafters and more. And nearly every hotel and hall is swathed in glittering sparkle; gems and minerals, faceted glass, unique one-of-a-kind artisan beads, and of course our glistening Jesse James Beads. Mixed bead strands from Jesse James Beads featuring Boho beads and faceted glass Another amazing element to the Tucson bead show are all of the fun bead events that happen at night. From the annual glass-making flame off to various Beads of Courage charity events, Tucson brings the heat when it comes to beaded nightlife. This year we at Jesse James Beads are attending three major Tucson 2016 nightlife events: The Beads of Courage Bracelet Making Party, the annual Interweave Industry Party and the Beads of Courage Bead Inspired Fundraising Event. Beads-of-Courage-Bracelet-Event-with-Katie-Hacker-Candie-Cooper-and-Jesse-James-Beads First, the Beads of Courage Bracelet Making Party with Katie Hacker! Join us on February 3 for a fun night of bracelets and charity. Katie Hacker is the ring leader at this year's Beads of Courage Bracelet Making Party. For $50 you get to make 5 bracelets, FIVE! All supplies are included, plus snacks, drinks, great vibes and good times. Beads-of-Courage-Bracelet-Making-Night-Fundraiser

Jesse James Beads has donated beads to make this feel-good tassel bracelet project, taught by our favorite designing queen, Candie Cooper. Spaces are limited, reserve your space for the Beads of Courage fund raising event today!

Register Here

On deck after the first Beads of Courage fundraising event is the annual Interweave Industry Party! Each year the amazing staff at Interweave invites members of our fabulous beading community to a private event at the iconic Congress Hotel.

[caption id="attachment_1458" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Interweave Industry Party 2015 - Kristal Wick and Katie Hacker with Team Jesse James Beads From left to right: Kristal Wick, Sarah James, Katie Hacker and Jesse and Shelley James[/caption]

This event is such an amazing time, we love meeting with friends and colleagues in such a fun and relaxed environment. The wine and snacks are a'flowing, and the smiles and laughs are boundless.

[caption id="attachment_1459" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Beading babes at the Tucson Interweave Bead Party - Kristal Wick, Candie Cooper and Sarah James having a beading blast Kissy koos and ear to ear grins[/caption] Our third event is the Bead Inspired Party, another Beads of Courage event. Are you familiar with the Bead of Courage charity? Beads of Courage builds hope and inspiration for kids coping with cancer by giving a specific bead for each step of their courageous journey. Learn more about this charity via this very touching video put together by CBS Sunday Morning. Bead Inspired Fundraising Event - Kick Up Your Heels as we fight children's cancer one bead at a time We love  the Kick Up Our Heels Bead Inspired Event - this will be our third year attending! At this event attendees get to go to several different art studios and collect various Beads of Courage beads, enjoy delicious BBQ, live music, and dancing, watch live glass making, and bid on several necklaces at the Beads of Courage Silent Auction. Beads of Courage Necklace made by Candie Cooper featuring Jesse James Beads This year Candie Cooper has a necklace available for auction featuring beads from Jesse James Beads and components from Leather Cord USA (shown above). The middle bead is a special Beads of Courage bead, given to Candie to feature in her auction piece. How much would you bid for this piece? It's a bonafide stunner!! Sarah and Candie at the Beads of Courage Fundraising Charity Event Sass and Class, ready for action! Get ready Tucson for beads, sparkle, and creative passion! Candie and I will be at the To Bead True Blue Show from Sunday January 31 through Monday February 9. Candie will be in the JJB booth talking about color theory and performing design techniques each afternoon (she'll be demo'ing with the cats at LeatherCord USA each morning in the Wholesale Room at To Bead True Blue, so if you have a Tax ID be sure to stop by in the AM and see what's popping over there!) Looking forward for another epic Tucson Gem & Mineral Event. I hope to see you there! Even if you cannot attend in person you can still get in on the fun. RSVP on our Tucson Event Page on Facebook to be involved in live giveaways and videos from the JJB booth. Thanks for popping by the blog! And cheers to a fabulous Tucson 2016! Yours in Creativity, Sarah James www.jessejamesbeads.com Bead Inspired Bead Charity Event - Bid to win a necklace made by Candie Cooper


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