Meet the Jewelry Designer - Nealay Patel
Hi Friends! Sarah James here, and I am so pleased to introduce to you an incredible Jewelry Designer, Mr. Nealay Patel. Nealay is a twice published book author and has made several appearances on JTV and Beads, Baubles & Jewels. Nealay's eye-catching jewelry designs are one of a kind; beautiful pieces of wearable art created with knitted wire, beads, and a whole lotta' style.
Nealay published a how-to on this week's JJB Design Blog about working with knitted wire. Check out the Sandstorm Bracelet tutorial
I met with Nealay to get a the skivvy on his starts as a maker, and what influences his super eclectic style. Here's the scoop... Sarah James: When did you start creating jewelry? Nealay Patel: I started in my freshman year of high school doing smaller, simpler pieces here and there. I became more involved with the publication industry as I got older and new opportunities opened up! I've been designing for over 10 years now. SJ: We love your style! What are your favorite products to work with? NP: The products I use are really inconsistent I'd say lol! That makes no sense, but to clarify, I like to experiment with different materials to see if they work for me. The only product that I haven't yet let go of is seed bead weaving. If I can mix seed bead weaving with my materials, it's a hit in my book!
SJ: What is bead stitching and knitted wire? Why do you find it so versatile to work with? NP: Bead stitching has been around forever! But, many jewelers are afraid to try something that looks complicated when really it's about repetition! I use simple weaving techniques with the knitted wire to create texture, even textile, for an unusual take on material usage. The knitted wire is perfect because the holes are small enough to keep the tiny beads in place, yet random enough to make the stitching interesting and precision required!!
SJ: Your projects are so interesting and compelling to look at, where do you draw your inspiration from? NP: I think I accept and allow the materials to be what they are and look at them with possibilities. I also keep the wearer in mind and try to picture the person I'm designing for and make up a silly little story in my head of who this person is and where they are going to, if it's an event or such. SJ: You have authored two books, such an incredible achievement. What are your next aspirations as a jewelry designer? NP: Thanks!! It's a labor of love...but loving every minute of it! I plan on doing more live television, because I have such a great time when I do it and I love sharing something new and exciting with other crafters. I'm also working on a new book that I'm really excited about..I can't give away too much yet as I'm still developing it! But stay tuned!
*** I am absolutely smitten by Nealay's work. We have been friends for some time now and I am just so honored to have this jewelry designer's talent on our side. Look out for monthly blogs and exclusive JJB kits. Get ready to learn new beading tricks with one of the hottest jewelry designers in today's beading industry. Want to learn more right now? Grab Nealay's latest book, Jewelry Designs with Knitted Wire Nealay Patel, we bow our heads to you sir! Thank you for the amazing Sandstorm Bracelet project, and this incredible interview. We cannot wait to see what you cook up next! Thanks for popping by, JJB fans! Let us know what you'd like to learn from our new wire knittin' and bead stitchin' Jewelry Designer, Nealay Patel. Happy Regards, Sarah James *** Like Nealay's jewelry design style? Check out the Sandstorm Bracelet Project tutorial!

Posted on March 24 2016