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Cherry Blossom Tassel Necklace Candie Cooper for Jesse James BeadsThe national cherry blossom trees are blooming in Washington D.C.!  Color bursting blooms--always a welcome symbol of spring!   We creatives appreciate color in all forms, don't we?  I love drawing inspiration for my jewelry designs from the shade of bark to the blossoms and the surroundings.  The green grass is a perfect contrast to the pink blooms.  Thank you, Universe for your perfection in all things including color combinations.File Mar 29, 7 01 33 AMYou might remember a version of this tassel necklace gem from the Fall issue of Stringing magazine that was done in this Southwest color pallet.12 Days of Bead Giveaways! Day 8: LeatherCord USA and Interweave and Jesse James Beads KitI've worn this DIY tassel necklace all fall and winter.  With it being spring, I wanted to recreate this tried and true jewelry design with the fashion color trends in mind.  Sometimes it's tricky to know where to start when changing the colors in a current jewelry design.  Using the colors in nature as your starting point makes it a little easier.File Mar 29, 7 00 36 AMI wanted this piece to be lighter, so I used round bubble-like rosewood coin beads from Jesse James Beads, and bright silver chain.  The chain is just as thick as the original tortoise chain, but the silver color makes it feel lighter.File Mar 29, 7 01 14 AMI then pulled blush colored boho and glass beads to surround the wood beads, capped the tassel with a frilly silver bead cap and worked in some cream and neutral colored beads. For added security, I squeeze a touch of Locktite gel adhesive into the silver bead cone so it's extra secure.File Mar 29, 7 00 52 AMI really love how it turned out.  DIY boho jewelry is so easy with Jesse James Beads--this piece took about an hour to recreate.  I'm going to wear it with a fringed lightweight jacket and strappy sandals. Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Bead Festival at JesseJamesBeads.com right now where you can save 20% on pink, green and cream beads as well as enjoy an amazing free gift on purchases over $25 (trust me-you don't want to miss this free gift). Happy Spring, Candie Cooper

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