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All of the sparkle your winter wardrobe craves can be found in this Snowflake Necklace tutorial! Nealay threads a tassel, a charm, and complementary JJBead styles through a wire and attaches it all to a glimmering cup chain. Watch the magic unfold now, then try your hand at this tutorial!



What You'll Need:

Cup Chain

20 Gauge Wire

Christmas Beads

Feeling Rosy Rose Beads

Custom Metal Beads

Snowflake Pendants

Large Tassels

Pliers and Cutters

Preciosa Crystal & Silver Cup Chain

Bright, pure silver sparkle paired with beautiful crystal. Preciosa Maxima Cup Chain SS12.

Baby, It's Cold Outside Design Elements Bead Mix

Baby, it's bad out there! Get caught up in a storm of rhinestone snowflake charms, tiny caged crystals, blue bohos, and faceted crystals in a blizzard of different colors and shapes!

Golden Snowflake Pendant Set

Gilded snowflakes straight from the angels! Snag these sparkly charms and add some serious flair to your winter designs.

Cobalt Blue Large Tassel

Create the perfect focal point for any project with this dark and mysterious cobalt tassel. This deep blue tassel features long cotton strands raining down from a beautiful silver and rhinestone encrusted tassel topper.

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