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It's time for a Jesse James Beads Christmas party, and you are invited! Join us for The 12 Days of Beadsmas!

The 12 Days of Beadsmas 2017 will consist of twelve days of major sales, giveaways, and more! Deals will only be around for a short time, so check back for updates on the daily deal. Sign up for JJB emails and enable desktop notifications to be alerted when a new offer begins.


For the first day of Beadsmas, Jesse James gave to me...20% off Make it Merry! This is a rare opportunity to shop this JJB-exclusive collection on sale! Use code MAKEITMERRY20 at checkout now through Friday, December 8 at 11:59 PM PST.

Shop the collection, then enter our Make it Merry Contest for a chance to win a $100 shopping spree! Click here for the contest details. Good luck!

On the second day of Beadsmas, Jesse James gave to me...30% off custom metal beads!

Swap silver bells for custom JJB metal beads this holiday season! These shiny wonders were created exclusively for us and feature all of the trendy characteristics and quality you would expect from a Jesse James Bead.

Click here to shop the collection of custom metals now, then use code METAL30 at checkout to save 30% off the metal beads collection! Hurry, offer ends Sunday at 11:59PM PST.

On the third day of Beadsmas, Jesse James gave to me...30% off specialtyyy!

Tenshas and cage beads and tassels, oh my! All of the specialty beads you crave are 30% off right now! Find your unique favorite among the new releases, or restock on tried-and-true styles. Use code SPECIAL30 at checkout to explore these special styles at a special price! Hurry, this offer expires 12/12 at 11:59 PM PST.

It's the first night of Hanukkah, beaders! To those who celebrate the Festival of Lights, this Beadsmas sale is for you! Light up your designs with 30% off your favorite blue beads. From icy tones to royal hues, there are over 180 beads in the Blue Collection marked down for you. Use code HANUKKAH30 at checkout on your cart of $49 or more. Offer ends 12/12 at 11:59 pm PST.

On the 5th Day of Beadsmas, Jesse James gave to me...strands at buy 3, get 1 free!

It's a Buy 3 Get 1 kind of day! What strands you wishing for? Maybe it's our whimsical Santa's Workshop, or perhaps the ever-so-cozy Gingerbread Hollow. Whatever you desire, you can have them all: For every 3 strands, you get a 4th for free! Ends at midnight!

We're making a list and Czech-ing it twice! Did you know Jesse James Beads stocks 115 unique types of Czech beads? We carry matte finishes, dual tones, and even tiny, fancy capped Czech! We just released 18mm Big Boy Czech beads too. Which will you choose? Receive a free set of Czech beads with every $29 in your cart. One day only! These free gifties expire at 11:59pm PST tonight (December 14th).

Do you have a gift for your favorite beader? Get them inspired with a Katie Hacker book, a pair of gorgeous Tensha beads, and an exclusive Jesse James Beads mug. It's all free with your $49 purchase! Refill your bead stash AND cross a beader off your gift list. What a win-win! This free gift offer expires Saturday at 11:59pm PST.


The Beadsmas festivities continue with 30% off all mixes! Did you miss fan favorites Grenadine and Shaded Spruce? Now's your chance to get your own at 30% off! These Pantone shades (and perfect Christmas colors) have been redesigned into new mixes just for you. $39 minimum cart. This awesome deal ends tonight at 11:59pm PST. Enter code 30MIXES at checkout to redeem.


We're breaking out the scales for this Beads by the Pound sale! For every 3 pounds of beads in your cart, get 1 for free. Ravishing red, jolly green, snow white, and an assortment of other colors await you! All of the pounds, none of the guilt. This one-day deal expires at 11:59pm PST.

Forget 10 Lords A-Leaping...Here's something better: 10% off the whole shop! Everything from the shiny and new to the tried-and-true is on sale...even bulk and bundles! Use code BEADMAS10 at checkout with your $39+ cart to take advantage of this deal. Sale ends at 11:59pm PST.

It's the perfect last-minute gift for every kind of beader! Get one free gift card for every two in your cart. That's a JJB shopping spree for three of your beading buddies (or keep one for yourself...we won't tell!).  There are five amount options to cover everyone from casual friends to your closest confidant! Sale ends 12/26 at 11:59pm PST.

What's the 12 Days of Beadsmas without the sparkle of snow? Grab your shovel and stock up on glistening crystal and white - the White Collection is 30% Off today! Add $39 to your cart and see 30% melted off your favorite snow-colored beads.

From all of us at Jesse James Beads, Merry Christmas, Happy Beadsmas, and beautiful tidings for the New Year!

All Heart,
Your (Jolly) Friends at JJB

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