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Easter Jewelry Ideas from Jesse James Beads Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin’ down the beady trail!  Yes, spring is in the air and we’ve got hand-painted bunny beads in stock and ready to hop into your jewelry designs! Here are a few Easter inspired jewelry ideas using these adorable ceramic bunnies found in our new Victorian Garden Inspiration MixBunny and Chain beads from Jesse James Beads.com

Adorable Easter Bunny Necklace

This necklace uses one of the ceramic bunny beads alongside Jesse James Beads chain wrapped beads.  It’s easy to make this bunny pendant with twisted Artistic wire (supply links at the end of the post). Check out the back side:Twisted wire from JesseJamesBeads.com String the head end of the bunny bead onto the wire and pull the tail of wire up the side and around the core wire.  Finish the opposite end with a wrapped loop.  String onto ball chain, ribbon, or with beads! Bunny Bead Pin

Bunny Stick Pin

I made a sweet bunny stick pin.  Simply glue all your pieces onto the stick pin and cinch off with a bow and mini rosette!  Easter Jewelry Ideas May all your Easter baskets be filled with pretty beads and chocolate bunnies (and if you’re like me a Reeses Easter egg–or twenty!) Hippity, Hoppity! Candie —————————————- **SUPPLIES** Bunny Beads Chain Wrapped Beads Artistic Wire in Twisted Gold #2 Gold Crimp Tubes Gold Beading Wire Save Save

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