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This holiday season Jesse James Beads and Designer Sara Ellis are bringing you weekly DIY projects as part of our DIY Gift-Giving Series. These projects are meant to be fun, easy, and inspiring! So whether you follow the project exactly or complete make it your own, JJB hopes to make your holiday a little more heartfelt!

Don't lose your glasses or masks ever again, and look fashionable to boot! Using Czech Beads and chain, you can make these easy DIY holders. Bonus, these gifts are perfect for adding you own twist. Swap out beads, add charms or just use your favorite JJB chains!

A gift perfect for any age! Personalize your mask or glasses holders by adding charms or decal beads. 

Use your favorite color Czech beads or Jesse James Bead Strand or mix to make these glasses holders your way! 

Thank you so much for joining us for another DIY Gift-Giving project. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Bead

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Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Follow along with Deb Floros and learn how to create an easy yet elegant snake-inspired necklace using seed beads, hematite beads, and one of our signature snake clasps! For this project you will need TOHO 11/0 sized seed beads and...

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Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

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Multi-Strand Beaded Chain Bracelet DIY Tutorial

Multi-Strand Beaded Chain Bracelet DIY Tutorial

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