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We are taking camp to the North Pole! Get ready for the holiday maker event of the season, 9 jewelry workshops taught by your favorite lead elves with a bundle of beads presented by your favorite beady brands!

Destination North Pole will consist of 3 days of classes over the first 3 weeks in December. Our attendees will be granted access to a private group on Facebook where we will teach the classes, share holiday happiness and get into the spirit of the season with fellow makers! Classes will be available to watch on replay again and again!

Download Print Friendly Schedule Here

Each day of workshops will have a theme: 

1. Thursday December 3 = Gifts’giving

2. Wednesday December 9 = Holiday Party

3. Wednesday December 16 = Traditions Around the World

PLUS an extra special Holiday Hijinks Party with all of your Camp Counselor Elves: Sara Ellis, Meredith Roddy, Wyatt White, Nealay Patel and Sarah James!

We have 9 incredible workshops planned for you - and a bundle of beads, supplies and tools to get your creative mojo going. All bead kits ship the week of November 16 (2 weeks prior to the event)

In addition to classes we will have more fun activities to add to the summer event:

-Not-So-Secret Santa give exchange 
-Destination North Pole merit badges 
-Holiday Party with your camp counselor elves
-A group full of creatives to engage and share your love of making together!

What's Inside?

Jesse James Beads
Crystal Caring Bead Mix
Czech Bead Blend
Fun & Festive Earring Maker Bead Mix
Evergreen Snowfall Bitty Bead Mix
White Christmas Bead Mix
“Ugly Christmas Sweater” Earring Maker Mix
Boho & Glass Set
Festival of Lights Bead Mix
Santa’s Workshop Strand 
Santa’s Workshop Charms 
Clasp Set & End Findings
Chain Reaction x3
Head pins

4mm bicones in Crystal & Silk

White Christmas Trio (5 grams)
Black Netted Lace (44 grams)

Primitive Earth Beads
104” 1mm leather cord 
Cha Cha Chain

Evergreen Snowfall SilverSilk Trio

Beads Of Courage 
Carry-A-Bead set

St Nicholas Pewter Charm 

Jewel Loom
Beading needle
19-strand wire spool
7-strand wire spool
20 gauge Artistic Wire spool
18 gauge Artistic Wire (32”)
24 gauge Artistic Wire (25”)
Ear Wire bundle 
Findings surprise  goody pack

Seats are limited! Reserve your spot today to take part in this unique beading experience.



Thank you so much for joining us for the start of a new jewelry-making series. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!


All Heart,


Your Friends At Jesse James Bead


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