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About Jen VanBenschoten

Jennifer VanBenschoten has been obsessed with making jewelry since she was five years old. Along the way, she's worked with seed beads, paper, gemstones, metals, and now wire. She lives in the mountains of upstate New York with her family, their dog, 2 dozen (or so) laying hens and guinea fowl, and 2 Nordic bunnies. When she's not making jewelry, you can find her practicing yoga or shamanic Reiki, reading Tarot, meandering in the woods, or playing one of her ukuleles to raise money for local charities.

Wire Wrapped Cabochons

Create your own focal pieces for necklaces and more with this simple and fun tutorial. Creating beautiful pieces doesn't have to be difficult. Jen's here to make it easy. In this video tutorial Jen will be showing us step by step how to wrap our Dakota Stones Stone Cabochons. Jen recommends using Square and Half-Round wire for this tutorial to help give your piece a finished look at the end. 

Ready to learn? Check out the video below for step by step instructions.

What You'll Need:

20 Gauge Square Wire
22 Gauge Half Round Wire
A Cabochon Of Your Choice (30 x 40 mm or smaller)
Bail Making Pliers (not required)
Cutting tool

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,


Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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