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Join this year's Secret Santa Jewelry Exchange when you enroll in Winter Workshop! Secret Santa is 100% optional and a fun way to meet someone new in the JJB community. Secret Santas can sign up using the form below. Assignments will be emailed out before Winter Workshop classes begin.

How It Works:

  1. Sign up for Secret Santa in the Form below. Deadline to sign up is December 2nd.
  2. Assignments will be emailed out on December 3rd.
  3. Once you have your assignment, you can start creating a beautiful piece of jewelry for your Secret Santa!
  4. In their package, be sure to include: At least 1 jewelry piece (more if you want, there is no limit to what you can create for your Secret Santa), a card wishing them a happy holiday and letting them know who you are, and any extra goodies you want to include (optional)
  5. Be sure to send your Secret Santa gifts by December 15 (recommended for First Class Mail) - December 18th (recommended for 2-day shipping) so your buddy can receive their package before Christmas!

Sign Up For WW Secret Santa Below
(must be enrolled in Winter Workshop to Participate.)

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