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We've been designing custom bead sets for Soft Flex since January 2019. Each month JJB creates a bead mix and beads strands to match the theme for Soft Flex's monthly design challenge. To participate, join the Soft Flex VIB Facebook Group (link), buy the monthly design kit (includes JJBs!), and most your design by the Soft Flex due date. This monthly challenge is a great way to stretch your creativity, get involved in the online creative community, and play with Soft-Flex exclusive JJBs!

Three times per year JJB and Soft Flex team up for party-style events, hosted only. Each event has 4 classes, along with a make-along Zoom party. Upcoming is our 2nd annual Trick or Treat Jewelry Making Party. Get the kit and make along with Danielle Wickes, Sara Oehler, Brittany Chavers and Jem Hawkes. The party starts 10/7, get your kit from JJB here, and the Soft Flex supply kit here

We are also so pumped to have Soft Flex as a major part of JJB Winter Workshop 2022. Our Workshop Kit includes 2 spools of Soft Flex stringing wire, Soft Flex craft wire in 18g and 24g, plus those famous Soft Flex crimps (they are THE best). Sara Oehler, Nealay Patel, Deb Floros and Jem Hawkes will be creating completely with Soft Flex wire and products. See the projects and the kit list (and get signed up!) here.

We love Soft Flex and the cool wire and products they create. But even more, we love this team of creatives that makes this brand come to life. We love working together and collaborating on cool projects. Each event we share is unique, and each bead kit we put together for Soft Flex is special. Together we make magic happen, and we are so grateful and excited for all that is to come.

Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

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Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

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Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

In this video, designer Jem Hawkes is here to share how to create a herringbone-wrapped bead. This wire-working technique can take some practice - but she'll help you through and you'll be ready to DIY in no time! This technique...

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