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Jesse James Beads - Summer Design Challenge

Make a splash this Summer with an all new JJB design Challenge! Show off your best beach jewelry, festival inspired necklace, or any other Summer themed creation for a chance to win a $50 JJB Gift Card!

Summer is a time for relaxing, vacationing, and letting your creativity flow. Let's get creative this Summer and share our beaded treasures with the JJB community. 


1. All entries must be posted on social with the hashtag #JJBSummer2022 also tag #JesseJamesBeads or @JesseJamesBeads so we can be notified of your entry.

2. 1 post = 1 entry. We'd love to see your creations from your favorite Summer Spot aka the beach, pool, shady getaway, or any little oasis you love to be in the Summer!

3. Winner will be chosen by random. Entries will be put in a hat based on how many eligible entries they have and drawn randomly. Winner will be announced on August 2nd on the Facebook Event Page.

 4. Have Fun!

We can't wait to see all your entries! Happy Beading.

Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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