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Hi guys! Sarah James here with a beautiful dose of Bead Show Experience. We all love a good bead show - the experience is like no other. So many sights and unique beads to be inspired by. Lively and engaging teachers that take the show to another level with their passion for the craft. Excited and happy customers, becoming more and more inspired from each booth they visit. Yes, the Bead Show Experience is something that we thrill seekers at Jesse James Beads crave. Allow me to take you on a little journey through our experience at last weekend's bead show, Bead Fest Spring   The Jesse James Beads Booth We love shows because we get to test out our newest finds on fresh designing eyes. You guys, our shoppers, are so important in helping us decide what's hot and what's not, and what's worth it to become part of the JJB Online Shop bead fest spring 2016 - new beads As part of our Bead Fest show experience we introduced to some new items - TierraCast bits, Rainbow Making Drops (aka Crystal Chandelier Drops), Sari Silk trim, energy bells, resin shaped coral, leather tassels in fun new colors, fresh cup chain and more. bead fest spring 2016 - diy fashion We love dress forms - they are great for designing on because they allow you to see where the necklace will fall on your body (you can thank Designer and Author, Candie Cooper, for that tip!). Dress forms are also great for showing off finished jewelry and playing dress up with outfits that compliment. Check out that rainbow floral fringey bit? Perfect for summer and a lovely addition to the Jesse James bead show experience.   The Jesse James Beads Classroom Jesse James Beads has the honor and privilege of hosting the Bead Fest Beginner Classroom, teaching 14 classes right on the show floor, with our favorite Jewelry Designer and Author, Candie Cooper. If you don't yet know about Candie, do check her out. She is the bomb.com and you will certainly gain some inspiration if you give her a like on her Facebook. Now, more bead show experience! I give you, the Jesse James Beads Beginner Classroom: bead fest spring 2016 - candie prep The calm before the beaded storm...We've got pom-poms to cheers you, and cowboy boots because Candie is here to teach! Get ready to learn in an environment that is full of fun and inspiration bead fest spring 2016 - class time Gather round, ladies. We are learning the business of beading. bead fest spring 16 - class time 2 Students, do you know how inspiring you are to us? There's much to learn from you as there is from us. Keep doing what you do, you are a joy to work with bead fest spring 2016 - painted pendant class A finished piece from the Painted Pendant Class. This pendant started off as brass and become a patina'd beauty. How lovely is that? bead fest spring 2016 - handmade hoop earrings - edit We learned to form our own earring hoops in the "As Seen In Stringing Magazine" class. This earring project was featured in the Fall 2015 issue of Stringing magazine and taught to you at Bead Fest Spring. Students used Beadalon's Deluxe Thing-A-Ma-Jig and Leather Cord USA's Mini Leather Tassels, both now available at the JJB Online Shop!   Our Incredible Customers & Friends bead fest spring 2016 - sheri and me We meet so many incredible people at shows, it's you guys that make our bead show experience so unique and special! Shown above is my dear friend Sheri, she is fairly new at the beading game, and a prime example of  the old adage 'if you can dream it you can do it.' Sheri recently made the Sandstorm Bracelet, a project by the incredible Designer and Author, Nealay Patel, made exclusively for Jesse James Beads. You can make this project too! The Sandstorm Bracelet Kit is available at the shop, and get detailed step-by-step project instructions here. Sheri learned to bead stitch for the first time with this kit and project. Read more about her inspiring beginner's beading story here. bead fest spring - sheri made the sandstorm bracelet   The Bead Homies - Our Amazing Road Family bead fest spring 2016 - bead show family love copy The family that bead show's together stays together! Isn't that how that one goes? This here is one amazing lot of people. Creative, funny, exuberant, kind, loving, and one hell of a good time. If you're looking to enhance your next bead show experience, make sure to stop by Green Girl Studios, Bollywood Beads, Dakota Stones, Starr's Clasps and Singaraja Imports; you'll be glad you did ❤️   My Bead Show Bestie bead show experience - bead fest spring 2016 - my bead show bestie Here's to good friends and great colleagues. Candie Cooper is a gem of all gems. She has worked with my family's business for several years now, and in the process I have gained an incredible friend. Cheers to that! Thanks Candie Cooper for all that you do. *** Well guys that's a wrap! Thanks so much for popping by to hear about our Bead Fest adventures, certainly an experience for the books. We hope to see you along the trail at another show. Do let us know what you think of our shows in the comments section below. We love hearing from you! Wishing you a weekend full of light and inspiration! Hugs! Sarah James www.jessejamesbeads.com   bead fest spring - business of beading class copy

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