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How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads11There's something tranquil when you can see the sky meeting the sea.  A solid line that looks like it could go forever...  Yin and Yang. Candie Cooper here with a DIY mermaid necklace project I'm calling "Mermaid Sky."  It's peaceful, yet makes a stylish splash with its sea-themed jewelry making findings and dark bead colors. By the way, have you seen the new mermaid collections from Jesse James Beads?  It's got everything from shells to large holed pearls to charms filled with sparkle.  It's an underwater fantasy bead land if I've ever seen one.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads8 Let your imagination swim through the endless possibilities that this beautiful bead collection has to offer. I really love it if you can't tell!How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads2For this piece, I broke out my trusty bead-board and started laying out the strands and pieces.  My goal was to use some of the new Czech basic beads (the teal watery ones at the top).  I peppered in a few Design Element beads to blend the bottom strand with the Czech beads.  The best thing about this Design Elements pack is it has a clasp in it plus I have enough small beads to make earrings and a bracelet! Ammonite Brass pendant black tassel twisted brass wire Sea Siren Mini Boho Strand Design Elements Sea Siren pack Crystal Aqua Czech Beads Crimp Beads Brass Stringing Wire A few brass spacers (optional) It went together really easily with all the teals and brass tones.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads9For the focal, I connected the tassel to the pendant with a jump ring.  Create the pendant dangle with twisted brass wire loops.  Now it's ready to string!How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads7I strung the beads onto gold colored Beadalon wire.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads12Gold is so big right now in jewelry.  I was hesitant at first to "go there," but I'm having fun with it!  Trends keep us out of style ruts--I try to remind myself of this! Haha.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads15All that's left once you string the beads is to crimp the clasp in place.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads10One more design note--I did swap the middle bead in the strand for a less "busy" one in the DE pack above the pendant.  The original bead and pendant were competing against each other.How to string beads for Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James Beads14Make Mermaid Jewelry with Jesse James BeadsShop the Mermaid Jewelry Findings and Beads here. <3 Save

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