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Curious about the our monthly subscription program, The Magical Mystery Bead Box? Watch and learn! Each month has a beautiful theme with beads and design components to support the styling. Sign up by the 7th of each month to be included in that month's shipment!

Here's what people are saying about Magical Mystery Bead Box:
These boxes are so fun! It's like Christmas every month! -Kathleen C
I love Jesse James Beads, I got so excited when I heard about a monthly bead box, I had to sign up. The boxes seem to get better each month. I get so excited when that time of the month comes, when it arrives, and I get to see the theme and what marvelous goodies are inside. -Rebecca S.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I have so much fun playing with my beads that I have received from Jesse James Beads!!! The colors are over the rainbow!!! Can't wait for the next one to arrive!!! -Carole P.
Want another perspective? Check out the unboxing by Gina from Orchid and Opal Jewelry & Beads!

Thank you for your support! Learn more and subscribe to the JJB Magical Mystery Bead Box. Get ready for fun!


All Heart,

Sarah James and your friends

at JesseJamesBeads.com


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