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Jesse James Beads Goes to SchoolYes, Jesse James Beads went to the most fun school we can think of-- Jewel School!  Did you happen to catch Jewelry Television's popular jewelry making show, Jewel School, yesterday?  If you missed it, the beads made their big, sparkling debut. Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper18Candie Cooper here with some sneak peeks of behind the scenes on Jewel School where I presented the Jesse James Beads limited edition kits.  I checked into school at 7:30 AM and immediately started setting up my demos to be ready for an 8AM production meeting.  Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper17Once everything was set up, I popped into the hair and makeup room to straighten my hair and put some lipstick on.  I'm amazed at how much makeup one needs to show up on TV.  I feel like a clown! Haha!Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper14Next, it was time to get mic'd up by Christiane.  She wrangles all of us artists and keeps us in line.  She also teaches from time to time on JS.  What you can't see is that I also wear a little ear piece called an IFB cord in my ear so I can hear the producer and director talking.  This earpiece helps a ton because the producer and director can let you know how much time you have, when and where the cameras are going and if I forgot to say something.  Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper13Then away we go!  School is officially in session.  Kim and Sheree are the hosts of Jewel School and they are so. much. FUN! Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper12Off to the side is a table with allllll the show products lined up and ready to pass out.  Talk about having to be organized!Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper11Meanwhile, all my Jesse James Beads pieces are lined up and ready while I'm pacing and texting Sarah James. Haha.  It feels like the longest wait ever!Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper16The thing I love about Jewel School is the wide variety of techniques you can learn.  Yesterday I taught bead crochet, wire wrapped necklaces and leather and beaded earring making.  My two books Earringology ,and Necklaceology were featured with the techniques. Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper6It was a team effort with Jesse James Beads, Jewel School and myself to get these beads to school.  We put together three limited edition kits.  Here is a close up look at my favorite--the Beach Rose kit.Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper7With this kit, I showed viewers how to do bead crochet with Elasticity!Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper19Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper5This is part of the blue kit demo and I showed how to make wire wrapped focal pieces.  Too fun!  If you want to see how to make them--watch this video.  We also offered a pretty chain kit with this tortoise and beaded chain as well as a Free Spirit Earring kit.Jesse James Beads debut on Jewel School on JTV with Candie Cooper15The next thing I knew, school was dismissed!  It was a great time and we are so thankful for all the new friends we made!  Sarah and I always get excited when we find new maker friends that share our love for beads and sparkle. Thanks to everyone who tuned in, purchased beads and rooted us on. Big beady hugs! Candie Cooper

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