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What to make for a…guy? How to make men’s jewelry with Tracy Proctor from TierraCast. Get the intro scoop on how to make jewelry that men will wear. This tutorial focuses on two different styles of bracelet using the Trailblazer collection from Jesse James Beads, TierraCast metal, and leather.

What You'll Need:

Trailblazer Bead Strand from Jesse James Beads

20 Gauge Wire (Artistic or German Style)

Bracelet Leather

Glue-in Clasp

Metal Mix feat. TierraCast

Superglue (one that's good for sticking to metal and leather. Ex. E6000)

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

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Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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