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Your friends will be Lime Punch Green with envy when they see your St. Patty's Day creation! Learn how to manipulate 22G wire into a spiral with a demonstration by JJB Designer Nealay Patel. Then, grab your Pantone Collection beads and craft the quintessential spring bracelet!



Key Elements for this Project:

Lime Punch Bead Strand 2

True beauty lies in three lampwork beads with flower motifs and shimmer-splashed backgrounds. Stay inspired with fiber wrapped beads, crystal clusters, chip balls, silver bead caps, and petite green beads.


Lime Punch Design Elements Bead Mix

These vibrant beads make a statement! Silver owl and dragonfly charms are the perfect accents for lime-green tassels, rose beads, crystals, super soft acrylic balls, and more.


Tether Me Toggle Clasp

Hold everything together with these chic silver clasps!


Beadalon 22G Artistic Wire

This tarnish-resistant silver wire is perfect for your beading needs! It's flexible, which makes it ideal for stringing and shaping. Beadalon is known in the industry as a trusted source of beading materials.


How do you style your Lime Punch Bracelet? Share photos of your work on Facebook, Instagram, and to our inbox. More spring tutorials are headed your way soon!

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