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Here at Jesse James Beads, we love inspiring our customer to create beautiful things and in return feel inspired when we get a chance to show off the work of our talented jewelry designers. Our From Tucson With Love Contest has come to a close and we want to celebrate the winners and entries! Everyone did an amazing job and it was hard for our team to pick a winner.

Kelli Lack - Jesse James Beads - Winning Design - From Tucson With Love

Congratulations to our contest winner - Kelli Lack!

Lucinette Alvarado - runner up - Jesse James Beads - From Tucson With Love

Lucinette Alvarado - 1st runner up

Melonee Beal-runnerup - Jesse James Beads - From Tucson With Love

Melonee Beal - 2nd runner up

Amber Scott - Jesse James Beads - From Tucson With Love Entry

Amber Scott

Colleen Gail Lentini

Elizabeth Calabro

Janell D'Amato Rice

Joy Joy

Kate Enniss-Reid

Linda Leonore-Zarcone Parker

Maggie E Nickleson

Marisol Sol Rojas Hafner

Maureen Bradley

Rosanna Brafford

Sue Pell

Sue Purdy

Terry Murphy Matuszyk

Vivian Lambert


Thank you again to all our entrants! Interested in getting submitting your design? Check out our Pantone Spring 2019 design contest. Our Pantone Design Contest deadline is Friday April 12. First place wins a $100 JJB Shopping Spree. 2 Runners Up will win $25 JJB Gift Cards. 

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Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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