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Golem Bead Necklace with Wendy Whitman Featuring Jesse James Beads

With spring in full bloom and purple blossoms everywhere, Wendy Whitman was inspired this week to create with our Golem Strand of beads in Blooming Poppy. Join Wendy for this video tutorial where she will walk you through the creative process to create a necklace with soft and light Fairy Silk bringing a new mix of textures to the project.

What You'll Need:

Blooming Poppy Golem Bead Strand
Fairy Silk
Czech Glass
3mm Tiny Beads
Beading wire
Crimp Tubes
Basic Jewelry Making Tools
Crimping Tool

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week! 

All Heart, 
Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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