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Top finalists announcement The results are in! We have received such beautiful pieces of jewelry in our 2015 Design Contest. Jesse James Beads designers truly have a knack for creating unique jewelry, what a treat it's been to see everyone's creations pour in. We've already announced our top 5 designers, now a little more information about each woman and her business, and the announcement of the winner of our $150 JesseJamesBeads.com shopping spree   jesse james beads design contest - deerwoman designs Anita of Deerwoman Designs created this gorgeous pink boho bead and pearl necklace. We loved the look of Jesse James Beads mixed with pearls, and the collar length of this necklace piece. Visit Deerwoman Design's very inspiring Blog and check out her Etsy Shop to see the range of her collection. Also Anita has a Jesse Jame Beads Pinterest Board with her own and other designer's Jesse James work! Like the beads in this necklace? Check out the Boho Bead Collection from Jesse James design contest - purple kitty designs - yamile Yamile of Purple Kitty Designs has submitted this super fun and eclectic statement necklace piece, loving it! We especially love the swirly twirly wire shown at the end of each dangle Purple Kitty can be found online through her Facebook Page - Click the link and give her a LIKE! Like the beads in this necklace? Pick up a LB of Mixed Beads from our Specials Page design contest - nancy tewinkel Nancy Tewinkel sent in this charmingly muted pink and orange necklace. The creative layering of our beaded chain give this necklace a refined and elegant finish. Love the matching boho focal. Like the beautiful beaded chain in this piece? View our Beaded Chain Reaction Collection   design contest - suetree jewelry This great necklace was created by Susan Zimmerhackel at SueTree Jewelry. The baby bohos and matching pendant make a harmonious combo and the use of color is truly stunning. You can find more of Nancy's creative pieces on her Facebook page. Inspired by Nancy's purple and blue necklace? Pick up Strand #67 from the Petite Strand Collection Jesse James Beads Design Contest - HanaSakie Japan Last but not least and the WINNER of our Design Contest and $150 JJB shopping spree is... Sakie Fujiura from HanaSakie submitted this colorful and creative bracelet design. We love the meld of purple with red and yellow. This color combination is a rare one and wow does it work in this lovely piece. You can find more of Sakie's work on her website. -She also does breath taking floral design! >Like the inspiring red connector clasp in Sakie's bracelet? View our line of rhinestone Style Linkx Connectors   Our Prize Winners! All Jesse James Design Contest runners up have received a $25 credit towards their next JJB purchase! We thank all contestants from the bottom of our hearts. It was really difficult picking 5 out of the bunch but we loved getting everyone's entries and seeing how our fans create with our beads. Until next time, keep creating and inspiring!

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