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COFFEE 3   Wake up and smell the beadies! It's an excellent day to do some bead shopping, heck it's Bead and Button Show weekend! In case you aren't yet familiar, the Bead and Button Show is the largest bead show in the country. It's always the second weekend of June, held in Milwaukee, full of great vendors and great times. This morning we hosted a special meet and greet with our favorite designer, Candie Cooper. Candie met with a crew of smiling JJB fans for coffee, conversation and a big heap of swag. coffee 2 Our pre- Bead and Button Show breakfast club got to check out all of the latest JJB strands in person. Each of these strands were just released yesterday and are now available online. coffee 1 Each attendee received a Jesse James Beads mug full of Jesse James Bead and Button swag - Two strands (one JJB Petite Strand and one brand new strand), one matching Inspiration pack, three of our new mini tassels and two cage beads, all in a signature JJB mug! Such a fun pack to put together SWAG THIS ONE The party sent me this photo this morning with a "We miss you!" text - Wish I could've been there too! coffee with candie we miss you copy   This weekend only is an awesome sale on our best-selling product - STRANDS! All strands are marked down to Bead and Button Show prices; 20% off every strand on the Jesse James Beads site. We are bringing the bead show to you. 20% off strands, and free US shipping on orders over $30. Just enter code BEADANDBUTTON at checkout. strand sale Visit our Bead Strand page here and see all the new pretties!   Thanks so much for everyone reading this post! We love doing fun and creative things for you. Let us know what you think in the comments below, we love to hear from you! XOXO. Sarah James www.jessejamesbeads.com mug back   P.S. Want a JJB mug for yourself? We have them in the online shop for 5 bucks! Here's the link to the JJB Mug

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