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What is Celebrity Spotlight?

Celebrity Spotlight is exact what it sounds like! Each Thursday at 11 AM EST, Jesse James Beads will be hosting iconic individuals in the beading community on our Facebook page. We are bringing some new and familiar faces to the spotlight and having them show us all some tips and tricks they have picked from their own designing careers. This 2021 JJB is aiming to not only provide awe-inspiring beads and components, but to also bring forth a variety of education in jewelry making styles and techniques. We hope you will join us on this exciting new chapter at Jesse James Beads!

Like our Facebook page and sign up for notifications to be alerted when we start our Celebrity Spotlight video and to watch other design tutorials. You can also check out our Youtube channel for more video tutorials. Don't forget to also subscribe and click the little bell icon so you can be alerted to when we post new videos. 

Our 2021 Schedule

12/31 Wyatt White (Beadalon) and The Coiling Gizmo
1/7 Meredith Roddy (Beadalon)
1/14 Sara Oehler and Kristen Fagan (Soft Flex)
1/21 Nealay Patel (SilverSilk)
1/28 Julianna Avelar and the Jewel Loom
2/4 Randee Brown (Thunderhorse Descendant)
2/11 Onye Obama-Ndika with monofilament beaded beads
2/18 Meredith Roddy (Beadalon) & Stacey Ackerman (JJB) with MASKERADE! Beaded mask holders
2/25 Tammy Honoman (Interweave.com) with Heavy Gauge Wire Links
3/11 Jill McKay (Designer Studio Tour)

We are starting 2021 off with a bang! This year we are so happy to bring you new faces, innovative products, and fun design projects. Thank you for joining us on this new design journey.

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Bead

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Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

The amazing Jem Hawkes is back and she’s going to show us how to very simply use the herringbone style wrap for wire work in your jewelry. This technique can be made more complex or kept quite simple- it’s up...

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Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Follow along with Deb Floros and learn how to create an easy yet elegant snake-inspired necklace using seed beads, hematite beads, and one of our signature snake clasps! For this project you will need TOHO 11/0 sized seed beads and...

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Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

In this video, designer Jem Hawkes is here to share how to create a herringbone-wrapped bead. This wire-working technique can take some practice - but she'll help you through and you'll be ready to DIY in no time! This technique...

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