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I have been making & designing Jewelry for over 15 years.  I work out of my Studio in my home in Pennsylvania. I am Married to my high school Sweet heart Mario and we have two beautiful Standard Poodles names Kaeli & Arwyn. I started my path in Jewelry by mainly making for friends and family. Thanks to my friend Gloria who introduced Jewelry making to me. As I progressed and I learned more and more, it has turned into  a passion and a business. I currently own my own Jewelry Business on Etsy called Pink Poodle Jewelry Studio.  It has allowed me to share my pieces with wonderful people all over the the US. Myself and my Good friend Amber have a Beading Group called The Queen Beaders. We also have an online Bead Store called Queen Beads, where we design and sell our kits that are curated by us. We try to focus on  including handmade items made by other artists.   

I also have a YouTube channel, teaching Jewelry making techniques.  I have taught many classes in my home as well. I have groups on Facebook as well as being active on Instagram and Pinterest. During this 15 or so year period I have suffered from Chronic illness. Jewelry has been something I can do to feel accomplished even at my worst health times. It has been a true gift in my life. The many wonderful  people I have met in this Industry have truly blessed my life. They all feel like true blessings in my life. Jesse James Beads is such a joy to work with. I can create beautiful pieces, easily. It is a company that shares my beliefs and I am proud to be a part of the Design Ambassador team. Please check out all of my Social Media Platforms to see more of my work. 











Pink Poodle Jewelry Studio




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DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

Kick off National Craft Month with this adorable wire-wrapped blueberry pie-flavored sun catcher. This adorable floral design is brought to life using the Market Fresh Mini Bead Mix in Blueberry Pie, 18-gauge round wire, 24-gauge round wire, stepped bail-making pliers,...

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DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

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DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

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