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I am Melanie Swope of Marvellous Much Jewelry Designs. I have been designing and creating handmade jewelry for over 10 years. I use a wide variety of techniques and an eye catching assortment of bead types to compliment any style. I also specialize in Plus Sizes for those who may require a bit more "muchness."
I have always believed that "when you bring joy to the lives of others, you can not keep it from yourself." I truly do hope that my thoughtfully crafted pieces bring others joy. 
I am honored to share the beauty and inspiration that the Jesse James brand brings to life everyday. After all, everyone deserves to feel Marvellous and so much more...

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DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

Kick off National Craft Month with this adorable wire-wrapped blueberry pie-flavored sun catcher. This adorable floral design is brought to life using the Market Fresh Mini Bead Mix in Blueberry Pie, 18-gauge round wire, 24-gauge round wire, stepped bail-making pliers,...

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DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

Joee Balestrieri joins us today for her first video tutorial with Jesse James Beads! She will be teaching us how to create a pair of bracelets that go wonderfully together or apart. For this project, we will be diving into...

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DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

Deb Floros is showing us how to create a bold and beautiful statement necklace featuring boho beads from the February 2025 Magical Mystery Bead Box. This Love Potion #9-themed bead box features bold pink, blue, and purple hues perfect for...

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