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What is The Rising Star Program?

Do you have a passion for designing jewelry and want to share this drive with others? Then JJB Rising Star Program is a great opportunity for you!

Jesse James Beads wants to give back to the designers that helped build our brand image by providing a platform for their own growth. Every Monday at 4 P.M. EST, we want to give a designer the chance to share a design and advertise their small business. While your pre-recorded video tutorial plays live on Facebook, you can chat with watchers, promote your business, and connect with like-minded people.

How Can I Apply?

Email hello@jessejamesbeads.com with your information

  1. Tell us about yourself, and why you love beading & jewelry design.
  2. Provide your store, social media, YouTube channel or any other relevant links.
  3. Applicants must able to film a tutorial. Filming equipment and a basic understanding of Facebook Live, video filming, and editing are required.
  4. A photo or video of a design you want to do a tutorial on. We will be asking featured designers to use JJB products in the tutorial, so the design selected must be modified for JJB beads or strands. 

I Get Approved! What Next?

  1. Work with our team to compile a list of items you need. 
  2.  Record your video and email it to us at the latest by Friday morning the week before your Facebook Premier show date.
  3. On the show date, you will have the opportunity to promote your brand and interact with fans via live comments. Build a stronger public image and get traction on your stores and websites!
Email hello@jessejamesbeads.com with your information 


What Does A Rising Star Video Look Like?


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