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Here ye! Here ye! 

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2018 Holiday Nutcracker Design Contest, hosted by your friends at Jesse James Beads. Top prize is a $100 JJB shopping spree! 

The Nutcracker Design Contest

1. RSVP to attend the contest event on Facebook
2. Purchase beads from the JJB Nutcracker Collection and create a piece of beaded art (jewelry or beyond) 
3. Post your design to the contest page - we will approve the post as soon as we see it!
4. Share the contest event page to your friends. The more the merrier!


Designs are due by 10am EST on Thursday December 20. The JJB Design Team and Production Staff will vote on our 4 winners, and a very special holiday Facebook live will take place after! We will announce the winners and giveaway many JJB gifts as well at 3pm on Thursday, December 20

1. Grand Prize - $100 JJB Shopping Spree
2. Most ornate - $25 gift card
3. Best use of technique - $25 gift card
4. Best capture of the Nutcracker theme - $25 gift card

This is going to be so much fun! Get your Nutcracker Beads today and start making!! 



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