Get ready to learn how to make this alluring spiraled wire-wrapped pendant. This pendant can function as a sun catcher, decorative piece, necklace pendant, and more. This mix is packed with beautiful pearls, ceramic beads, mini charms, glass, and more. We will be using some of those beautiful components to beautify our wire-wrapped project. Check out the step by step tutorial below to see how wire-wrapping wonder Jem Hawkes creates this spiral pendant:
What You'll Need:
Let's Be Mermaids Bead Mix in Siren
16 gauge round wire
18 gauge round wire
22 gauge round wire (20 will also work)
Wire cutting tool
Bent nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Stepped Bail Making Pliers (recommended. Can also use small bail making pliers)
*note: for outdoor use please note that the metal and rhinestone spacers may discolor over time.
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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!
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