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Support our fellow small businesses with the Shop Small collection by Jesse James Beads! Every week we are highlighting new products from our favorite artisan beading and component suppliers. Join us as we share the love this Fall and check out the JJB Blog for video tutorials using our shop small beads and components.

TierraCast is a small business and metal foundry located in Santa Rosa, CA. Started in the 1970s by founder Steven Tierra in his garage, TierraCast continues this legacy for tinkering and experimenting to this day. All their products are created under one roof, so it is no wonder why they are one of the industries best in metal beads and components! From designing to making metal molds to polishing the finished product, Tierracast and their team pride themselves on crafting everything by hand with a love and dedication that really shows in the professional quality of their products.  

Our own Sarah James visited the TierraCast foundry itself. Co-owner Alan Joseph gave her a tour showing how they take a piece all they way from mld creation to metal pouring, polishing, plating, and finally polishing! Sarah herself says "It was a really amazing experience to see how everything was done in-house, and that the hands-on process comes through in the quality of all their products!"

Sarah James getting a tour of the TierraCast foundry by Co-owner Alan Joseph.

Sarah and the JJB Team are very excited to be able to work with TierraCast and bring their amazing metal work to you through our Shop Small with JJB Collection. Check out their products and other small artisan business at JJB.com and below!

Shop TierraCast:

Jesse James Beads' very own Sarah James with TierraCast's talented design team!

Thank you so much for joining us in supporting yet another small artisan business. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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Multi-Strand Beaded Chain Bracelet DIY Tutorial

Multi-Strand Beaded Chain Bracelet DIY Tutorial

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Beaded Chain Pendants featuring Chain Reaction

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Multi-Strand DIY Bracelet Feat. The January 2025 Magical Mystery Bead Box

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