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Meet the new JJB Beader Points Loyalty Program! This loyalty system makes earning and redeeming your points easier than ever. Here's how it works:

Notice this bright pink "Beader Points" banner in the right-hand corner of your screen. This is your Loyalty Point sidekick! This is where you will keep track of your points, and redeem. Log into your account to get started!

Jesse James Beads - Rewards Panel

Once logged in your reward panel will look something like this ^^. The "Earn Rewards" tab shows you all the ways you can earn Beader Loyalty Points. 

Jesse James Beads - Loyalty Program

The "Get Rewards" tab shows you all the available rewards that you can spend your Beader Loyalty Points on

Once you have enough points to redeem a reward, the button will turn black and allow you to trade in points for that reward. Free beads = fun times!

Not ready to checkout? The Loyalty Panel will save your rewards for you to use at any time. Just click "View Reward" to see the discount code and to copy and paste it to your order.

Get your friends in on the fun! Click the "Refer Friends" link on your Loyalty Panel to receive your special link to share with your friends. Your friend will receive 20% off their first order, and you get 1000 points (which equals a $10 gift card). Talk about a win-win!


Thank you so much for being a Jesse James customer and fan. We appreciate you so much!


All Heart,

Your Friends at Jesse James Beads


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DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

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