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It's Contest Time! Make a splash with your best mermaid-design with our Mystic Mermaid Design Contest. Create something with beads and components from our Let's Be Mermaids Collection and enter for a chance to win a $100 Jesse James Beads Gift Card.

-One entry/set per person, please!
-Design must use beads or components from the Let's Be Mermaids Collection.
-Deadline for submissions is August 10th!
-Submit your designs via email at hello@jessejamesbeads.com or by posting your design onto our event page.

Runner Up x 2 - $25 gift card
Winner - $100 gift card

Need to stock up on supplies? Use code MERMAIDCONTEST for 10% Off Let's Be Mermaids Beads and components (bulk and bundles not included). Minimum $29 cart. Offer expires August 2nd. 

Happy Beading, we look forward to see all your lovely designs!


All Heart,

Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

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