We're teaming up with Meredith Roddy from Beadalon for a very special bead series. This series will focus on teaching you different ways to use seed beads!
Part 1: The Peyote Stitch: Meredith is going to show us step by step how to master the Peyote stitch using toho seed beads from Jesse James Beads paired with some Beadalon findings and JJB charms from the May Mini Mixes to create a cute earring! Check out the video below to see the step by step tutorial:
What You'll Need:
Delica Beads (Or Toho, Delica beads are recommended for this tutorial)
Beadalon WildFire (0.006 inch)
Earring findings
Bead Mat (highly recommended)
20 or 22 Gauge German Style Wire
Mini Bead Mix (we use Rose Gold Glamour from the May Mini Mix Collection)
* Recommended a needle you are comfortable to work with, easy to thread, and can fit through the beads you are working with. Between size 10-12 hard are recommended for beginners.
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