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Ghouls and goblins unite! JJB is hosting a special costume jewelry contest. Create your favorite vampire, reaper, or cat inspired jewelry piece to be worn with or without a costume and post a photo to win one of three $50 grand prizes.

Rules and How To Enter:

  1. 3 entries per person max
  2. Each entry must feature at least 1 of the 3 Halloween 2021 JJB bead mixes
  3. Entries must be posted on a personal or business social media account with the hashtags: #JesseJamesBeads #JJBHalloween2021
  4. Entries must be submitted by 10/28. Winners will be announced 10/29
  5. Winners will be chosen via random drawing
  6. 1 entry = 1 chance to win. If your jewelry piece is being shown off as a piece of a costume your 1 entry = 2 chances to win.


We will be awarding 3 JJB gift card prizes, one for each of the Halloween 2021 bead mixes. Prizes will be rewarded randomly.

Fright Night ($50 JJB Gift Card)

Day of the Dead ($50 JJB Gift Card)

Vampire Love Story ($50 JJB Gift Card)

Q & A:

Q: Can I enter a piece I've already created?

A: YES! Just repost the photo with the correct hashtags, reposting helps keep the image from getting lost when we got to gather all the entries on Facebook or Instagram.

Q: Do I need to use the Halloween 2021 Bead Mixes?

A: Yes, each entry must be created using beads from one of the 3 Halloween 2021 bead mixes. Any piece that does not include Halloween 2021 beads will not be eligible to win.

Q: How much of my project needs to be Halloween beads from Jesse James Beads?

A: A good rule of thumb is that the project should be at least 50% Halloween beads.

Q: Can I use beads from my stash?

A: Yes, you can combine the Halloween beads with the beads from your stash.

Q: Does my piece need to be worn with a costume?

A: No, but you're more then welcome to post your piece with your Halloween costume if you want! Pictures posted in costume will be eligible for x2 credits to win.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our ghouls over at customer support at hello@jessejamesbeads.com or text if you are part of our VIP text club. 

We look forward to seeing your pieces!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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