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How does a $100 bead shopping spree sound? That's the grand prize for our Goddess Design Contest! Put your beading skills to work and craft something worthy of a goddess using beads from the JJB Goddess Collection! 

-One entry per person, please!
-Entries are due by 10am on Monday, Feb 19
-Submit entries via email, messenger or on the Contest Event page (all posts need to be approved by a JJB admin. Sit tight: we'll be checking every day!)

Get started by shopping the drop-dead gorgeous Goddess Collection:

Mini mixes are having a moment! Shop the popular Egyptian Goddess Mini Bead Mix for spacers, charms, connectors, mini beads, and everything tiny to complete your project.

Let love and beauty shine with the goddess Freya! This Goddess Freya Bead Strand has you covered with a rocking focal crystal, plus plenty of metals, bohos, and even more crystals to bump up your designs.

The Hindu goddesses are here to bring you luck in the contest! Vibrant, playfully feminine pinks and oranges dominate this Hindu Goddess Inspiration Mix for girl power at its finest.


Need some inspiration to get the creative gears turning? Check out some of Nealay's goddess-inspired tutorials:

Learn how to create this Goddess Revolution Necklace inspired by the Seed Bead Revolution book.

This Ragnarok Battle Cuff is secretly super easy (we won't tell if you don't!). Use a Halstead cuff as the base and get wrapping!

Behold the Giza Treasures Necklace! Nealay uses bead caps in an innovative way to add dimension to this design. Try out the bead cap hack in your contest entry!


How will you unleash your inner creative goddess? Good luck and happy beading!


All Heart,

Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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