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Jesse James Beads - Golem Design Studio - Lava Vortex Bracelet - Sara Ellis - Design Tutorial - Beading Tutorial

Create the hottest bracelet around with this lava vortex wire-wrapped bracelet tutorial. This bracelet features Golem Bead Strands from Jesse James Beads made with hand-crafted clay beads from Golem Design Studios. This small powerhouse hails from Bulgaria, creating beautiful inspired beads with various stoneware clays. Each bead is hand-glazed giving each one it's own individual touch. 

Ready to get creating? Check out the video below for more about the Golem bead strands as well as a video tutorial featuring Golem beads and Artisan wire:


Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

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