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Your creative adventure awaits! We're using beautiful Artsy Wire as the base of a fun and colorful bangle bracelet project. Featuring Adventure Awaits Color Envy Design Elements beads and Blue/Red/Gold Multicolor Artistic Wire, this bracelet project is a fun and easy way to show off your favorite Jesse James Beads. Create several of these bracelets to stack together or coordinate with your other bracelets for a beautiful stack of colorful arm candy. 

What You'll Need:

Adventure Awaits Color Envy Design Elements Beads
Blue/Red/Gold Multicolor Artistic Wire 3 to 4 yards 
8 1/2 inch section Burgundy Artsy Wire
Crimper Tool
Bracelet Bending Pliers
Cutter Tool 

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

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Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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