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Throughout the month of December, Designer Randee Brown will be working with Jesse James Beads to bring you 4 design projects! Randee's third project is a fun necklace and earring set featuring JJB's Mini Mix in Adventure Awaits, a sassy Big Girl chain in gold, and more. Watch Randee make this colorful jewelry duo in her video tutorial below! Please check out Randee Brown and her store www.thunderhorse-descendant.com.

What You'll Need:

Color Envy Mini Mix In Adventure Awaits 
Chain Gold Textured Big Girl
Chain Gold Flower Beaded Metal
Oval and Locking Jump Rings

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Meet JJB Brand Ambassador and Affiliate, Randee Brown

My name is Randee Brown. I am the sole proprietor of Thunderhorse Descendant est. 2018. I am based out of Minneapolis MN where I run my business out of my home with my boyfriend, one very large dog and a new cat. To sum up my beading journey I started beading around the age of six. I focused on beading and jewelry making to help relieve stress from my job as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, it took off from there.  I was drawn to JJB because of there unique style, care, and time they took to create mixes and themes that were one of a kind.  I am so excited we will be taking steps together on the next part of my journey.

Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!


All Heart,


Your Friends At Jesse James Bead

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