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How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads5Tassels, hoops and cup chain.  Ohhhhhhh. My. We are about to make wire hoop earrings. Candie Cooper here with a project that is all about summer loving nights. These Tropicana wire hoop earrings were featured in the Fall issue of Stringing magazine and I also taught a class on them at Bead Fest April.  I've changed the colors around so they are light and airy with light rose water opal cup chain and white boho beads.  If you're looking for a great beginner jig project--this is it--- A little bit of a challenge, but absolutely doable. How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads2This project features the new wire jewelry making jig at Jesse James Beads.  I love it because it's small and compact, but big enough to get the job done.  I also used some 18g. brass colored wire, leather tassels, cup chain and connector findings, and a couple boho beads. How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads8First, place your pegs into the holes so they correspond with the shape you want for your wire hoop earrings.  REALLY important tip:  put the plastic tubes on the backside of each peg so they don't fall out.  I got so frustrated the first time I was trying to wrap without these because pegs were popping out all over the place (so that's why they include instructions with tools?!? hahaha). How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads10Once you get the shape, secure one end of the wire around the other wire with a few wraps then drop it down with a ninety-degree bend so it ends in the center of the hoop.  Finish the other end with a wrapped loop. How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads9Slide a bead onto the center wire and finish with a simple loop. File Jun 07, 6 17 43 AMConnect an end finding with loop to the cup chain. How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads7Open the bottom loop and hang the tassel and cup chain piece.  I trimmed some of the tassel fringe with wire cutters so it wasn't as long. How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads6Add your ear wire and you're good to go! Wire hoop earrings in no time How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads3This design can go in so many directions.  Make the wire hoops, use them as a frame for wrapping beads too, or leave out the tassel.  So many options with this little jig!  Have fun! How to use a jig to make jewelry from Jesse James Beads1Supplies: Jig Cup chain Cup chain findings Tassels 18g Wire Ear wires Boho beads ---Or get the entire kit (minus the jig) for 20% off! Here's the link to the Tropicana Wire Hoop Earring Kit

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