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Jem Hawkes is showing us how to make a pair of beautiful earrings featuring the Goddess Bead Mix in Saraswati. This mix features a bold combination of pink, aqua, orange, green, and bright gold. You can use whatever Goddess mix to like to create your earrings. We'll be using some of the focal AB crystal pieces as well as some of the bright gold metal pieces

We will be using 18 gauge round wire in German Style (about 12 inches) to create the beautiful frame that we will be making to frame our bead focal. We recommend using a German style or a hard-temperature wire for this component. Remember to take the time to warm your wire in order to make it bend a little easier for you!

Another tip for creating these earrings, we will be working on our earrings one at a time, if you prefer you can also create your earrings at the same time, working both pieces of wire rather than working one before the other.

What You'll Need:

Beads Components  Tools
Goddess Bead Mix in Saraswati Gold 18 Gauge German Style Wire, Round Cutting Tool
Earring Findings Round Nose Pliers
Jump Rings Bent Nose Pliers

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry-making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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