Watch and learn with Sara Ellis as we jump into an easy beginner wire-wrapping tutorial. Today Sara is showing you how to create simple and playful wire-wrapped bangles using Beadalon Artistic Wire and beads from Jesse James Beads. You can use any beads you'd like for this project including Bohos, Tenshas, Tassels, mini mixes, your favorite JJB strand, and more. Check out the step by step tutorial below:
What You'll Need:
8 1/2 inches of 14 gauge wire from Artsy Wire Pack
6mm jump rings gold or silver
Head pins gold or silver
Bracelet Bending Pliers
Crimper Tool
Round Nose Pliers
Chain Nose Pliers
Bent Chain Nose Pliers
Flush Cutter
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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!
All Heart,
Your Friends At Jesse James Beads
How-To Jewelry Tutorial: All Heart, Tucson Necklace
How-To Jewelry Tutorial: Happy Hour Boho Bead Earrings