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Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set10Did you know that an elephant with an upward trunk is a lucky symbol?  I love symbolism and adding meaningful components to DIY jewelry projects. Candie Cooper here to show you a new kit on the Jesse James Beads site that allows you to easily make your own elephant earrings and necklace set. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set11This bohemian elephant jewelry kit is perfectly petite in all ways because it includes three small elephant charms, three strands of 1mm leather cording in rich gold, noir, and marsala, all paired one of my favorite petite Jesse James Beads strands. Plus, you get all the findings you need to make the earrings Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set2For the earrings, I cut 4, 2" pieces of leather.  Cut the ends of leather at an angle and glue them into the silver cord end findings.  Using this Loctite Gel super glue keeps the dry time really fast!Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set1Connect the ends with a jump ring to make a leather tear drop shape. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set5Next, attach ear wires to the first jump ring.  Add the elephant charm with a second jump ring.  For some reason, I can't get the Fleetwood Mac song, Tusks, out of my head! Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set3You'll have enough leather to make a third tear drop piece for a pendant as well as finishing the sides of the necklace. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set4For the sides, I simply wrapped 22 g. wire around the two cords to form a loop, thin crimped the strand of beads to the leather. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set6Wrap the leather with wire again at the opposite end and attach a sparkly toggle clasp with jump rings. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set7This piece ends  up just a touch longer than a choker.  If you want a longer necklace you could always add a piece of chain to the back instead of the clasp. Elephant Jewelry DIY Necklace and Earring set9I made an extra layering necklace to wear with this piece with beaded Chain Reaction!  Love that layered look!Make an elephant necklace and earring set with Jesse James Beads Kit   Supplies used to get the layered look of this Bohemian Elephant Necklace and Earring Set -Elephants Go Marching Jewelry Kit -Sparkly Toggle Clasp -Beaded Chain Reaction **All 50% Off this week! -19 Strand Silver Wire -22 Gauge Artistic Wire -Lumpy Spacer Princess Beads

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