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Czech Bead Basics Collage Unique basic beading supplies have arrived! Guys, I am so excited about this new beading supply collection - Czech fire polish, smooth druks, glass pearls and more. We have a rainbow of basic supplies in the new Bead Basics Collection  - and trust, these beads are anything but basic. Foil finishes, dip-dyed coats, metallic coated and so much more. This is only the beginning. We will be getting new basic beading supplies in every month. Get ready for the colorful beading revolution! It's here and it's now.   All beaders need a few classic beads to compliment designs. Here's what Jewelry Designer and Author, Candie Cooper has to say about using basic beading supplies in her designs: "Basic beading supplies are the matte to your jewelry picture - they frame the focal beads, pull in colors and blend your design as a whole." Bead Basics Sunset Czech brown bead basics bead basics blue tanzanite Czech glass basic beading supplies and bead spacers for jewelry making Czech green beads for Jewelry Making - Basic Beading Supplies from Jesse James Beads Czech glass is renowned as the gold standard in quality beads. Using old world production, these beads are 100% consistent in size and shape. They do not chip or scuff. The are available in a plethora of finishes, sizes and shapes. We are so pleased to bring this beginner line of basic beading supplies from the Czech Republic to our online jewelry supplies catalog. These beads serve as perfect compliments to our Jesse James Beads mixes and strands. Just starting jewelry making? Pick up a few of your favorite colors to test the waters. The 8mm and 6mm size are the most popular for making. More advanced? Let us know your favorite beading basics and we will bring them on! Jesse James Beads is here to serve you and all your beading needs. Let us know what your creative heart desires and we will do our best to make it happen!

Shop the all-new Czech Basic Beading Supplies Collection at the JJB Online Shop


Let us know what you think of the new collection in the comments below! We want to hear from you!

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