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Artist Statement: Onye Obama-Ndika

I am a geometric bead artist.  My primary method of creating art is weaving beads. Whether it is to be adornment for the body (wearable) or adornment for personal space (sculptural), my art is always driven by and created from a place of geometric spatial exploration and interaction. I also create tessellation art using isometric grids and archival ink. 

The best thing about being an artist, in my opinion, is that I can reflect aspects of natural beauty and ordered (non-chaotic) complexity in my work. Many of my pieces (such as the Dodecahedra and Particle collections) are clear representations of Platonic & Archimedean geometry. To date, discoveries are still being made of platonic geometry in nature & human biology, and are applicable within nanotechnology.  My heart’s desire is to integrate my analytical nature with my creative drive in order to manifest high-quality, structurally sound art pieces that are sculpturally-functional, thought-provoking, inspirational and engaging. I believe that creating art is my life’s purpose.  I want to use my creative abilities to inspire others that wish to do the same.  To “bless” someone is to empower them to be prosperous, joyful and peaceful. I am passionate about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics).  There has been a push in the realm of education to encourage children to embrace technology in relationship to their learning and pursuing these fields.  I strongly believe that art connects and clarifies the understanding of mathematics, science and technology, highlights their beauty & their necessity, and helps to reveal and de-mystify their role in our lives.  Art is both a vehicle and catalyst for personal improvement, critical thinking, social justice and activism.

Learn to Create your Own Beaded Beads

Follow along with the video tutorial below to learn the art of creating your own beaded beads. Onye is going to show us how to create two different styles using a mixed mash of small beads. Learn the basics of creating beautiful 3D design and get inspired to create your own beads.

Written Instructions Available Here!

What You'll Need:

Supply list 1 - makes 1 bead
- (18) 3mm fire-polish crystal beads
- (2-3 grams) 11/0 seed beads or delicas
- 2.5 feet (30") 6 lb Trilene monofilament
Supply list 2 - makes 1 bead
- (18) 6/0 seed beads
- (2-3 grams) 11/0 seed beads or delicas
- 2.5 feet (30") 6 lb Trilene monofilament

Shop The Products Below:

Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!


All Heart,


Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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